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Article icon - Torna The Golden Country.svg

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Expansion Pass

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Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Expansion Pass.png

The Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Expansion Pass is a collection of downloadable content for Xenoblade Chronicles 2. The content cannot be purchased separately, and instead is only available as part of the expansion pass. It includes:


DLC Item Distribution 1[edit]

Release date: 1 December 2017

DLC Item Distribution 2[edit]

Release date: 22 December 2017

DLC Quest Distribution 1[edit]

Release date: 19 January 2018

DLC Item Distribution 3[edit]

Release date: 19 January 2018

DLC Item Distribution 4[edit]

Release date: 2 March 2018

  • Upgrade Parts for Poppi 2: 30,000 Ether Crystals
  • Driver Essentials Set 3: 8 x Legendary Core Crystal, 3 x Overdrive Protocol

DLC Quest Distribution 2[edit]

Release date: 30 March 2018

DLC Blade Distribution 1[edit]

Release date: 27 April 2018

DLC Quest Distribution 3[edit]

Release date: 25 May 2018

Challenge Battle Mode[edit]

Release date: 15 June 2018

DLC Quest Distribution 4[edit]

Release date: 27 July 2018

DLC Blade Distribution 2[edit]

Release date: 27 July 2018

New Difficulty Modes[edit]

Release date: 27 July 2018

Challenge Battle Update[edit]

Release date: 24 August 2018

DLC Blade Distribution 3[edit]

Release date: 24 August 2018

Final Item Distribution[edit]

Release date: 14 September 2018

  • 15 x Legendary Core Crystal
  • 3 x Overdrive Protocol
  • 10 x Love Source

Torna ~ The Golden Country[edit]

Main article: Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna ~ The Golden Country

Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna ~ The Golden Country is included as part of the Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Expansion Pass. The game was available one week earlier, on September 14th, 2018, to owners of the expansion pass than the physical release.

Standalone copies of Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna ~ The Golden Country come with a redeemable code for the expansion pass. This code includes all content from the expansion pass, except for Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna ~ The Golden Country.
