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Unique monster (XC2)

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For other articles titled "Unique monster", see Unique monster (disambiguation).

Unique monsters are enemies in Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and Torna ~ The Golden Country that are typically larger and stronger than most other enemies, acting as optional non-story minibosses on the field. They also have individual names and potentially arts that no other enemy does, and provide more rewards when defeated. Uniques on the field can be identified by a symbol behind their target icon. Unlike normal enemies, they will aggro the party no matter their level difference or if Enemy Aggression was disabled.

In Xenoblade Chronicles 2[edit]

There are 85 Uniques in Xenoblade Chronicles 2, some of which are superbosses and one that is missable. Some Uniques only spawn in specific weather conditions or time of day while others spawn among a crowd of enemies. While some can be static, sitting at a pre-determined spot until engaged, others can have a pre-determined path they follow.

Upon battle being engaged, a timer will appear on the left side of the screen, displaying the time spent in battle with the Unique. Additionally, when in battle with a Unique, Those Who Stand Against Our Path will play in Gormott, Uraya, the Land of Challenge while You Will Recall Our Names will play in all other areas. Relentless Arduran is the only exception with Driver Vs playing instead.

When a Unique is defeated, the timer will stop, Hunting Succeeded will play and a tombstone will appear nearby. The tombstone can then be interacted with to resurrect the Unique for a rematch or see the lowest time it took to defeat it. While Uniques do not drop particularly unique rewards, aside from a few special cases, they can be a great way to farm them due to their high HP pool for Driver Combos and the ease of resurrecting them on the spot.

A list of already defeated unique monsters can be seen by talking to the Battle observer in Garfont Village. The list is divided between difficulty settings and can be sorted by Titans.

In Torna ~ The Golden Country[edit]

Unique monsters reappear in Torna ~ The Golden Country. There are 20 Uniques in the game, 4 of which are Golden Monsters, the game's superboss counterpart. They also behave the same way as in Xenoblade Chronicles 2. However, in Torna ~ The Golden Country, tombstones of already defeated unique monsters are displayed on the map with an icon that looks like said tombstone. When fighting a Unique in the Kingdom of Torna, Those Who Stand Against Our Path will play while You Will Recall Our Names will play in Gormott.

Defeating all 16 regular unique monsters in both Torna and Gormott is required for Martha to join the Community. Much like Martha, the Nopon Halfsage will join the Community if all 4 Golden Monsters were defeated.

Unlike in the main game, New Game Plus is needed to see the lowest time it took to defeat a unique monster while interacting with their tombstone. Moreover, a list of defeated Uniques is also only available in New Game Plus.

List of unique monsters[edit]

Xenoblade Chronicles 2[edit]

Name Level Species Region
Unique Monster Acute Melvyn 25 Tirkin Gormott
Unique Monster Anguished Solomon 28 Piranhax Gormott
Unique Monster Antecedent Xiaxia 99 Artificial Blade Mor Ardain
Unique Monster Armored Brennan 86 Ropl Mor Ardain
Unique Monster Artifice Ophion 117 Artifice Cliffs of Morytha
Unique Monster Atrocious Hermes 58 Igna Temperantia
Unique Monster Autumn-Shower Melvin 46 Human (Driver) Tantal
Unique Monster Azure Reginald 41 Lexos Uraya
Unique Monster Beast-Hunter William 99 Human (Driver) Uraya
Unique Monster Blue-Eyed Korbin 42 Volff Tantal
Unique Monster Chickenheart Dagmara 120 Pippito Mor Ardain
Unique Monster Climactic Honnold 45 Urchon Leftheria
Unique Monster Cloud Sea King Ken 110 Squood Tantal
Unique Monster Confiscator Jimmy 38 Jagron Leftheria
Unique Monster Crimson Derrick 58 Taos Cliffs of Morytha
Unique Monster Cunning Saggie 24 Skwaror Uraya
Unique Monster Decapitator Marvin 33 Igna Mor Ardain
Unique Monster Dedicated Conroy 51 Tirkin Tantal
Unique Monster Deep-Green Oscar 41 Ellook Tantal
Unique Monster Demon King Gilbert 80 Igna Uraya
Unique Monster Demon-Shell Jacob 30 Crustip Mor Ardain
Unique Monster Enlightened Morris 42 Pippito Tantal
Unique Monster Epicurean Ligia 48 Lysaat Leftheria
Unique Monster Evileye Mambor 54 Aspar Cliffs of Morytha
Unique Monster Excavator Darius 46 Grebel Spirit Crucible Elpys
Unique Monster Gladiator Orion 100 Human (Driver) Cliffs of Morytha
Unique Monster Glamorous Alfred 50 Arachno Spirit Crucible Elpys
Unique Monster Grievous Clive 94 Jagron Temperantia
Unique Monster Hard-Bitten Xavier 48 Urchon Spirit Crucible Elpys
Unique Monster Haywire Kustal 60 Sovereign World Tree
Unique Monster Haywire Phoebus 66 Sovereign World Tree
Unique Monster Haywire Radclyffe 58 Sovereign World Tree
Unique Monster Heroic Edwin 44 Garlus Tantal
Unique Monster Holy Lancer Efrain 51 Marrin Spirit Crucible Elpys
Unique Monster Howitzer Leon 48 Gyanna Uraya
Unique Monster Immovable Gonzalez 90 Gogol Gormott
Unique Monster Impassable Edgar 60 Garlus Tantal
Unique Monster Implacable Dylan 23 Riik Uraya
Unique Monster Incandescent Marcus 54 Plambus Tantal
Unique Monster Insectivore Malcom 75 Vang Gormott
Unique Monster Jadeite Polly 38 Grady Leftheria
Unique Monster Judicial Kollin 33 Igna Mor Ardain
Unique Monster Leonine Sadie 95 Sauros Temperantia
Unique Monster Machine-Gun Julio 53 Ansel Cliffs of Morytha
Unique Monster Malicious Dimitri 57 Guldo Land of Morytha
Unique Monster Man-Eating Glenn 32 Griffox Mor Ardain
Unique Monster Martial Kamron 23 Human (Driver) Uraya
Unique Monster Mk. VI Familion 62 Sovereign World Tree
Unique Monster Mk. VI Gerolf 66 Sovereign World Tree
Unique Monster Mk. VI Margot 64 Sovereign World Tree
Unique Monster Mk. VII Arek 114 Sovereign World Tree
Unique Monster Moonlighting Elwyn 8 Bunnit Gormott
Unique Monster Muscley Damian 43 Buloofo Tantal
Unique Monster Myrmidon Eugene 33 Human (Driver) Mor Ardain
Unique Monster Nitpicking Beru 27 Human (Driver) Gormott
Unique Monster Parasite Aplacus 58 Parisax Land of Morytha
Unique Monster Peerless Beaufort 49 Crustip Leftheria
Unique Monster Pernicious Benf 109 Behemoth Temperantia
Unique Monster Perplexed Stoyan 47 Serprond Leftheria
Unique Monster Praetorian Argus 65 Indol World Tree
Unique Monster Praetorian Medea 66 Indol World Tree
Unique Monster Rapturous Scandia 48 Taos Leftheria
Unique Monster Ravenwing Skull 62 Ageshu Temperantia
Unique Monster Reeking Douglas 104 Rapchor Gormott
Unique Monster Relentless Arduran 99 Balgas Gormott
Unique Monster Remorseful Vaclav 14 Ardainian Gormott
Unique Monster Runaway Train Bool 55 Garlus Temperantia
Unique Monster Sad Bernard 12 Feris Gormott
Unique Monster Skyfist Remington 39 Human (Driver) Leftheria
Unique Monster Slasher Buffon 40 Anlood Mor Ardain
Unique Monster Sniping Brent 18 Rhogul Gormott
Unique Monster Soothsayer Gerald 78 Ellook Uraya
Unique Monster Soul-Eater Stanley 56 Guldo Land of Morytha
Unique Monster Spellbinder Billy 46 Peng Tantal
Unique Monster Spring-Shower Elliott 42 Human (Driver) Tantal
Unique Monster Supercharged Alfonso 20 Garaffa Gormott
Unique Monster Tattooed Hugo 31 Rhogul Mor Ardain
Unique Monster Territorial Rotbart 81 Gogol Gormott
Unique Monster Tyrannotitan Kurodil 130 Ballistaur Temperantia
Unique Monster Unflinching Saxton 99 Human (Driver) Mor Ardain
Unique Monster Vagrant Baldr 62 Lindwurm Mor Ardain
Unique Monster Vampire Bride Marion 65 Parisax Uraya
Unique Monster Venal Montgomery 45 Brog Gormott
Unique Monster Vile Howard 47 Blant Spirit Crucible Elpys
Unique Monster Walker Trap 26 Blant Uraya

Torna ~ The Golden Country[edit]

Name Level Species Region
Unique Monster Beatific Ophelia 48 Ellook Torna
Unique Monster Erratic Goliante 45 Gogol Gormott
Unique Monster Everdark Erg 36 Quadwing Torna
Unique Monster Flying Fortress Desmor 55 Moramora Torna
Unique Monster Gourmand Galgan 38 Aspar Torna
Unique Monster Handwringing Bigelow 25 Brog Gormott
Unique Monster Harbinger Cavill 23 Scorpox Torna
Unique Monster Herculean Gibson 75 Ardun Torna
Unique Monster Hurricane Anise 100 Rhogul Torna
Unique Monster Interceptor Grace 40 Antol Torna
Unique Monster Ionospheric Mitchell 50 Marrin Torna
Unique Monster Lunar Amaruq 34 Volff Torna
Unique Monster Mesmer Tlaloc 85 Blant Torna
Unique Monster Nomadic Rusholme 44 Griffox Torna
Unique Monster Overaffectionate Murph 18 Taos Gormott
Unique Monster Ravine Bunnit 50 Bunnit Gormott
Unique Monster Scowling Quincy 25 Tirkin Torna
Unique Monster Sentinel Carpathia 65 Urchon Torna
Unique Monster Sequestered Ludd 48 Parisax Torna
Unique Monster Sleepwalker Mork 33 Caterpile Torna

In other languages[edit]

Language Name Meaning
United Kingdom flag.svg English Unique monster
Japan flag.svg Japanese ユニークモンスター Unique monster
France flag.svg French Ennemi unique/Monstre unique Unique enemy/ Unique monster
Germany flag.svg German Einzigartige Gegner/Einzigartige Monster
Spain flag.svg Spanish Monstruo único
Italy flag.svg Italian Mostro unico
China flag.svg Chinese (simplified) 珍稀种怪物 Rare-type monster
Taiwan flag.svg Chinese (traditional) 珍稀種怪物 Rare-type monster
South Korea flag.svg Korean 유니크 몬스터 Unique monster


Xenoblade Chronicles 2[edit]



Torna ~ The Golden Country[edit]