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U-TIC Organization

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U-TIC Organization
U-TIC Organization Encyclopedia Thumbnail.png
Type Research institution (formerly)
Military organization
Leader Joachim Mizrahi (founder)
Margulis (resurgence)
Pellegri (resurgence)
Notable people Andrew Cherenkov
Albedo Piazzolla (informally)
Headquarters Labyrinthos (formerly)
Affiliates Galaxy Federation (formerly)
Immigrant Fleet

The U-TIC Organization (U-TIC機関 (きかん)), short for Unknown Territory Intervention and Creation Organization, is a military organization in the Xenosaga series. It was founded by Joachim Mizrahi. The U-TIC Organization are the military forces of Ormus.



As the C.S.R.C.[edit]

Main article: Cerebral Sciences Research Center

Before the U-TIC Organization was founded, it was the Cerebral Sciences Research Center, led by Joachim Mizrahi. Its central focus was research regarding neurology and phenomenon physics. It covered subjects regarding the Zohar and the Gnosis phenomenon. Under Mizrahi, it was known for scientific advances such as the invention of environmental bugs, the D.S.S.S., and the Hilbert Effect. Over time, the institution's research became more extreme as a result of heightened political tensions on Miltia and the death of Mizrahi's daughter, Sakura. Mizrahi converted the C.S.R.C. into the U-TIC Organization in secret to counter the Galaxy Federation's aims to better control and restrict the institution. Suou Uzuki, a supervisor for the F.S.I., was implemented into U-TIC at this time to monitor the organization.

U-TIC's early days[edit]

As tensions grew, officials aligned with the former government joined the U-TIC Organization's staff and the organization itself grew increasingly militarized. During this time, U-TIC imposed harsh working conditions on the Dabrye Mine workers. One of the workers, Tethlla Magus organized a resistance against U-TIC and was eventually captured during the riots. U-TIC subsequently used him as a test subject in an experiment at Labyrinthos, where he lost his life.

U-TIC's support in the former government's coup d'état of the Miltian Republic and Mizrahi's ever extreme research prompted the Federation to demand a cease in operations. In T.C. 4753, U-TIC's failure to comply with demands resulted in the Federation's deployment of its Marine Corps' land operations division and its Special Operations forces.

Miltian Conflict[edit]

Main article: Miltian Conflict

The Federation's first and second descent operations ended in failure thanks to U-TIC's use of Proto Ω and Mizrahi's Song of Nephilim. During the third descent, U-TIC forces clashed with the Federation in Dasgupta. In an act of desperation, they released the unstable 27-Series Asuras and activated the Song of Nephilim, increasing Realian violence across the city tenfold. As the Gnosis appear in Miltia, Margulis, Sellers, and various other U-TIC aligned forces escape in the midst of the chaos while Mizrahi seals the planet to prevent the Space-Time Anomaly from spreading to the rest of the universe. Shortly after, Mizrahi falls to his death from atop Labyrinthos tower.

Covert U-TIC[edit]

After the Miltian Conflict, U-TIC's forces were diminished by the casualties and they collectively went into hiding. Ormus' Chief Inquisitor, Margulis was appointed as its commander, alongside his right hand, Pellegri. During this time, U-TIC involved itself in more covert operations on behalf of Ormus like increasing its influence in the Federation government, searching for Mizrahi's Y-Data, and performing various Link Experiments using the Zohar Emulators in their possession. However, as time passed, 11 of the 12 emulators were obtained by the Kukai Foundation, leaving only one in U-TIC's possession.

After a massacre occurred at a Personality Reconditioning Facility, Margulis took matters into his own hands and made the choice to recruit the man who caused the massacre, Andrew Cherenkov. In T.C. 4765, Cherenkov went on to lead an operation to raid a Vector Industries laboratory on the planet Carioca. With help from the Red Testament, Cherenkov's goal was to seize the KOS-MOS Arcehtype. However, in doing so the Archetype unexpectedly went berserk, killing researchers and soldiers alike. Cherenkov was one of the few survivors and was traumatized by the event. In the same year, Cherenkov oversaw a Link Experiment using U-TIC's last Zohar Emulator on the planet Ariadne. The experiment resulted in failure, causing the entire planet to disappear. In response, Margulis had Cherenkov and several other operatives including Vanderkam infiltrate the Federation's 117th Marine Division and join in the investigation of the planet's disappearance to retrieve the Zohar Emulator.

Episode I[edit]

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Episode I

U-TIC Organization

Official name: Unknown Territory Intervention and Creation Agency.

An agency connected closely with the Miltian Conflict, references of which are made throughout Episode I. It was buried in obscurity for decades, but reappeared in T.C. 4767, which is when this story begins.

An independent organization not associated with the Galaxy Federation, it nevertheless boasts a level of technology and military force that far surpass those of the Federation government or military.

Its origins can be traced back to the Mizrahi Neuro-science Institute, which means that Joachim Mizrahi is the agency's founder. However, the connection between him and Margulis is yet unknown.

Episode III

U-TIC Organization

U-TIC Organization Database Thumbnail XS3.jpg

The Zohar energy research organization founded by Joachim Mizrahi.

Official name: The Unknown Territory Interventing and Creation Organization. Its previous incarnation, the Cerebral Sciences Research Center, was founded by Joachim Mizrahi; it was Joachim who proposed it be restructured into the U-TIC Organization.

After becoming the U-TIC Organization, the group continued its research into using the Original Zohar as an energy generator and weapon, as well as performed the development of 100-Series Observational Units, the Hilbert Effect, and combat Realians.

Aiming to rule the galaxy through command of the Zohar, the group then rebelled against the Federation government and set off the Miltian Conflict. However, Labyrinthos was overrun by the Galaxy Federation descent operations, and the organization's mastermind, Joachim Mizrahi, fell to his death.

After the Miltian Conflict, it vanished from the center stage of history, but the group itself survived, setting up base on the planetoid Pleroma. Gathering information and building up its military power in secret, it leapt back onto center stage in order to obtain the Y-Data that had been sealed within the 100-Series Observational Unit prototype, MOMO.

Ostensibly, the organization was founded by Joachim Mizrahi, but in truth, everything was under the direction of the Ormus Patriarch.

As it was restructured into the U-TIC Organization, the group expelled nearly all Federation government officials and researchers, who had been stationed there as inspectors for the Cerebral Sciences Research Center. It cemented its internal staff with members of Ormus and the Old Miltia hierocracy; Hyams (a business affiliated with Ormus) joined the group, taking Vector's place in weapons development and sponsorship.

At that time, even Federation Colonel Margulis, U-TIC's supreme commander, was already a member of Ormus. From this, one can see that a sizable number of Ormus members had been embedded within the Federation's government and military.

Xenosaga I & II


正式名称は『Unknown Territory Interventing and Creation』で、『不可知領域への干渉及びその創造』機関と言う意味。

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U-TIC機関 その2


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In other languages[edit]

Language Name Meaning
United Kingdom flag.svg English U-TIC Organization
Japan flag.svg Japanese U-TIC機関 (きかん) U-TIC Organization


Episode I[edit]



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Episode II[edit]


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Episode III[edit]


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Character portraits[edit]
