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Tactical Action

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Tactical Action
Original Title Tactical Action
Composer(s) Kenji Hiramatsu
Length 1:36
Used in Xenoblade Chronicles 3
Future Redeemed
Tetris 99
Other versions Tactical Action (Dynamic A)
Origin Battle

Tactical Action is Disc 1, Track 4 on the Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Original Soundtrack and Disc 12, Track 4 on the Xenoblade Chronicles Original Soundtrack Trinity Box. It is a version of Tactical Action (Dynamic A) with substantially more instrumentation. Origin Battle is a remix of this piece.

It plays during battles during periods when Tactical Action (Dynamic A), (Dynamic B), or (Dynamic C) play as the area theme. The track is smoothly transitioned into from the equivalent point in the above tracks when battle starts, and smoothly transitions back into the corresponding track once battle concludes. It likewise plays during battles in the Archsage's Gauntlet.

It also plays in the cutscene when the Ulula confronts the Kevesi Special Forces in Chapter 1.

In Tetris 99[edit]

In Tetris 99, if the player uses the Xenoblade Chronicles 3 themed skin, Tactical Action plays as the background music in-game when there are between 99 and 51 players remaining.

Album notes[edit]

Album notes written by Kenji Hiramatsu. No official translation exists.

「Tactical Action (Dynamic)」 から一転、敵との遭遇をイメージしたギターのアームダウンとブラスのクラス タサウンドでバトル開始の緊迫感を、 そして一刻も早く目的地に向かいたい焦る気持ちをキックの4つ打ちと細 かなシーケンス、そしてストリングスを主体としたメロディラインで表現しました! 左右で繰り返されるギターリ フは、少しずつ異なるフレーズを挟みながら 「倒しても倒しても次から次へと現れる敵」 の姿を想像して組み立 てました。

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This quote has not officially been translated into English. You can help translate it.