Xenosaga Episode II
Xenosaga Episode III

Salvator Faction

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Salvator Faction
Salvator Faction.png
Type Political group
Leader Dmitri Yuriev
Notable people Citrine
Pierre Ruryk
Headquarters Vartas
Affiliates Galaxy Federation

The Salvator Faction is a large, fringe political group of the Galaxy Federation in the Xenosaga series. It was founded by Dmitri Yuriev and is mainly composed of Designer Children, including many powerful members of the Federation government.


Episode II[edit]

After Dmitri Yuriev takes over the body of Gaignun Kukai, he reaches out to one of his subordinates who gives him a status update while he was gone before he orders to prepare his forces. The Salvator Faction later takes control of the Federation Parliament after the awakening of Proto Ω and the destruction of Old Miltia.

Episode III[edit]

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In other languages[edit]

Language Name Meaning
United Kingdom flag.svg English Salvator Faction
Japan flag.svg Japanese ザルヴァートル () Salvator Faction


Episode II[edit]

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Episode III[edit]


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Character portraits[edit]
