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Pneuma's design in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Species Blade (Aegis)
Gender Female
Designer Masatsugu Saito
Japanese VA Shino Shimoji
English VA Skye Bennett
Appearances Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
This article is about the Aegis form. For the Trinity Processor core, see Trinity Processor#Pneuma. For gameplay information, see Pneuma/Gameplay (XC2).

Pneuma (プネウマ; Πνευμα) is a character in Xenoblade Chronicles 2. She is Pyra's and Mythra's true, combined form and one of the three Aegises that make up the Trinity Processor. She is Rex's Blade.

Appearance and personality[edit]

Pneuma has an identical body type to Pyra and Mythra, with the main physical differences being long, green hair tied back into a ponytail and green eyes and a green core crystal. Pneuma wears a silver tiara and a white, blue and green plate armor with emerald green crystalline ornamentation. A green energy lattice surrounds Pneuma when she uses ether attacks. The greek word "Πνευμα" ("Pneuma") is written on her chest with the text of Proverbs 4:18 in Latin beneath it: Iustorum autem semita quasi lux splendens procedit et crescit usque ad perfectam diem ("The path of the righteous is like the morning sun, shining ever brighter till the full light of day"). During combat, two wing-like mechanisms hover behind her back. Pneuma's sword is silver and similar in design to the other Aegis blades, with a ring-shaped crossguard above its hilt. When activated, the entire sword glows with green ether energy.

Pneuma is depicted as calm and resolute with a stern confidence. This is due to her being the ultimate, combined form of the Aegis, having come to a full acceptance of herself and her power. It would be accurate to consider her personality the sum of the personalities of her two separated forms, Pyra and Mythra.


Pneuma is not named when first introduced, instead being simply referred to as "Pyra's ascended form" or similar. Shortly afterward, the player is directed to have Rex decide whether to call her "Pyra" or "Mythra". This choice affects multiple instances of dialogue, both from Rex and from other party members, while also affecting whose mannerisms Pneuma reflects in cutscenes and battles. Only in the middle of the final chapter does the party learn the name "Pneuma", though nobody uses it afterward, sticking to what the player picked.

The name "Coffee with Milk" is used by some community members to refer to Pneuma in a spoiler-free manner, referencing something Rex said when discussing her nature. Others simply use the name itself, as it is not a clear spoiler by itself (unlike the similar Seven), and because "Coffee with Milk" sounds somewhat silly and clunky to them, as well as its acronym being a bit of an eybrow-raiser. To a degree, using Pneuma to refer to this specific form of the Aegis is somewhat of a community invention, as the game only uses the name to mean the three forms as a collective unit, or their Core Crystal as a Trinity Processor core. This nomenclature was later revealed as essentially official once it was used to refer to the specific form in both the Alrest Record and in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

Story arc[edit]

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As a party member[edit]

Main article: Pneuma/Gameplay (XC2)

In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate[edit]

Pneuma appears in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate as a Spirit. The spirit received custom artwork by Masatsugu Saito, as there was no existing full-body artwork from Xenoblade Chronicles 2 to use. Pneuma also serves as a basis for one of Pyra and Mythra's palette swaps.


  • Pneuma is, naturally, voiced by the same voice actress as Pyra and Mythra in both languages (Shino Shimoji for Japanese and Skye Bennett in English).

In other languages[edit]

Language Name Meaning
United Kingdom flag.svg English Pneuma
Japan flag.svg Japanese プネウマ Pneuma
France flag.svg French Pneuma
Germany flag.svg German Pneuma
Spain flag.svg Spanish Pneuma
Italy flag.svg Italian Pneuma
China flag.svg Chinese (simplified) 灵魂
Taiwan flag.svg Chinese (traditional) 靈魂
South Korea flag.svg Korean 프네우마 Pneuma



Concept art[edit]