Xenosaga Episode III
Xenosaga: Pied Piper


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System Michtam System
Diameter Unknown
Terrain Cityscape (formerly)
Forests (formerly)
Place of interest Streets
Archon Spaceport
Archon Zone
Archon Cathedral
Isolated Research Facility
Underground Ruins
Political affiliation Galaxy Federation (formerly)
Immigrant Fleet (formerly)
Ormus (formerly)

Michtam, formerly known as Abraxas is a planet in the Xenosaga series.


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After its destruction, Michtam is a desolate wasteland, abandoned and destroyed building scattered throughout the planet, as well as whitened remains of humans. In its inner depths lies a crystalline cave system, which contains Zarathustra.


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The editor who added this tag elaborates: Pied Piper locations



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Pied Piper[edit]

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Kevin Winnicot was from Michtam until it was destroyed by a Gnosis attack which were rare before the Miltian Conflict after an experiment with the Zohar failed. Kevin is the only survivor as his mother was transformed into a Gnosis before dying.

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Episode III[edit]

Michtam falls under Ormus control prior to the start of the game. Margulis and Pellegri philosophies before being called to Gedalya Space to combat the Durandal. The orbit above Michtam becomes the site of a full-scale war between, the Gnosis, the Galaxy Federation, and Ormus. The party later lands on the planet after defeating Dmitri Yuriev to find the Zohar. As Zarathustra stirs, Abel's Ark encircles the planet to observe changes in the consciousness of the Lower Domain. After stopping the Eternal Recurrence within Michtam's Underground Ruins, chaos, Nephilim, Jin, and KOS-MOS stay behind to perform a dimensional shift to Lost Jerusalem. The party barely manages to escape with chaos holding the last U.M.N. gate for them to escape. Michtam and the Gnosis later vanish in the resulting dimensional shift.

As an area[edit]

Main articles: Michtam (area), Archon Cathedral, Isolated Research Facility, Underground Ruins

Abraxas serves as the primary setting of Xenosaga: Pied Piper. In Xenosaga Episode III, Michtam serves as the final area.


Episode III

Planet Abraxas

Planet Abraxas Database Thumbnail XS3.jpg

The fourth planet in the Michtam system.

The fourth planet in the Michtam star system. Used as a base of settlement by groups (believed to be under the influence of Ormus forces) that had managed to escape the Earth upon its destruction.

The groups formed an independent nation unaffiliated with Federation law, and thus declared the establishment of the Immigrant Fleet nation. However, it was later incorporated into the Federation. The planet-state's population is said to have been over 2.3 billion by the T.C. 4300s; even after joining the Federation, records show that 67% of its population remained purely descended from citizens of the Immigrant Fleet.

When the main Immigrant Fleet came to the forefront of history in the T.C. 4500s, it set off a countless string of conflicts with the Galaxy Federation over the planet's sovereignty. However, after the moderate Julius XVIII ascended the Patriarchy of the Immigrant Fleet in the mid-T.C. 4600s, the Fleet advanced a policy of appeasement toward the Federation government. Both sides would continue to follow a divide-and-rule approach until Sergius XIV assumed the role of Patriarch.

Planet Michtam

Planet Michtam Database Thumbnail XS3.jpg

Planet Abraxas's official name.

The current name for planet Abraxas. The real reason why the planet was named after a celestial body is unknown, but the prevailing theory claims it was due to the fourth planet in the Michtam system being the only one habitable by humanity.

After the appearance of the main Immigrant Fleet, the sovereignty of the planet was essentially transferred to the Immigrant Fleet nation, and the planet came to be commonly called Abraxas.

However, after Voyager's attack on the Pilgrimage Meeting in T.C. 4667, the Galaxy Federation tightened their surveillance of the planet, fearing that the Zohar would go out of control. This led to Abraxas's sovereignty falling out of balance; eventually, all domain rights were transferred to the Galaxy Federation. The planet became recognized as a planet-state under Federation law; and at the same time, an official declaration decreed that its official name was now Michtam, taken from the star system.

Xenosaga I & II



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