Xenosaga Episode I


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Dr. Masuda.png
Species Human
Gender Male
Appearances Xenosaga Episode I

Masuda (マスダ) is a character in the Xenosaga series. He is an archeologist from the year 20XX. His discovery of the Zohar changed the course of mankind forever.

Appearance and personality[edit]

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Story arc[edit]

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Episode III


Masuda Database Thumbnail XS3.jpg

The man responsible for the Lake Turkana lakeshore ruins excavation team.

The man who oversaw the large-scale excavation of Kenya’s Lake Turkana under the sponsorship of Vector Industries and discovered ruins connected to the Zohar.

Beyond his name and excavation results, essentially nothing is known about him. Based on his name, he is assumed to be of Japanese descent. His discovery of the Zohar brought about a dramatic change in the subsequent sphere of human existence.

The Zohar discovered by Masuda was transferred to Vector’s labs, where various examinations and experiments were performed.



Masuda Encyclopedia Thumbnail XSF.png

四千年前、ケニアのトゥルカナ湖で 、ゾハルにかかわる遺跡の調査をした人物。

A. D. 20××年、アフリカ・ケニアのトゥルカナ湖で、ゾハルにかかわる遺跡を発掘・調査した人物。名前からして日系と思われる。文献に従ってトゥルカナ湖から続く回廊から、鍵穴のようなものを発見し、持っていた大のプレートを当てはめると湖底からゾハルが出現することとなる。彼の調査の元となった文献が何であるか、また持っていたカギの役目をする部位が何であるのか等、詳細は不明。

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T. Masuda's name on a North American ad for Episode I
  • Masuda's first name starts with a T., strangely coming from the North American TV commercial for Episode I.[1]


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