Xenosaga Episode I

Kukai Foundation (XS1)

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This article is about the area. For the music track, see Kookai Foundation.
Kukai Foundation
Kukai Foundation map.png
Segment Addresses 1
Enemies Basilisk
Gel Fish
Larva Doll
Larva Face
Bosses Gigas
Music None
Life or Death (During Gnosis attack)

The Kukai Foundation is an area in Xenosaga Episode I. All enemies, minus Mintia only appear during the Gnosis invasion.


Our Treasure Inn - First Arrival[edit]

This shop is also available from an NPC appearing near the entrance to City 26 & 27 when the Kukai Foundation is being invaded by the Gnosis.

Name Buy Price
Med Kit 20G
Med Kit S 60G
Ether Pack 40G
Ether Pack S 80G
Revive 60G
Cure-All 100G
Antidote 60G
Neuro Stim 60G
Escape Pack 20G
Bio Sphere 120G
Name Buy Price
Rider Gloves 160 G
Platinum Rod 380 G
ROOK505 800 G
Name Buy Price
Battle Gear 850 G
D Unit V4 960 G
V0LG30 680 G
Space Helmet 340 G
Protector 80 G
Red Ring 600 G
Green Ring 400 G
Blue Ring 200 G
Kobold Ring 200 G
Orange Ring 300 G
Name Buy Price
RK280 400 G
BXS002V 200 G
BXS003V 200 G
BXS004V 200 G
BXS005V 200 G
Name Buy Price
Starter Set 400 G
Card Pack #1 100 G
Card Pack #2 100 G

AGWS Parts Shop - First Arrival[edit]

Name Buy Price
PB55AG 1000G
HG75VX 900G
GLG76AG 1400G
BA15VX 1800G
BL24AG 1400G
SHB67AG 1000G
Name Buy Price
Auxiliary Armor A 100G
Auxiliary Armor B 200G
EF Circuit A 200G
EF Circuit B 400G
Armor Protection Unit 500G
Gear Shield 500G
AP Shield 500G
Cockpit Guard 800G
Guard Cleaner 2000G
Guard Recovery 2000G
Anti-Fire Armor 1000G
Anti-Ice Armor 1000G
Anti-Lightning Armor 1000G
Anti-Beam Armor 1000G
Name Buy Price
Starter Set 400G
Card Pack #1 100G
Card Pack #2 100G
Name Buy Price
VX01-F03 1400G
VX01-F04 2000G
AG02-F03 1400G
AG02-F04 2000G
VX02-F04 2000G
VX01-G03 1800G
VX01-G04 2400G
AG02-G03 2400G
AG02-G04 3200G
VX02-G04 2800G

Our Treasure Inn - Song of Nephilim Appears[edit]

Name Buy Price
Med Kit 20 G
Med Kit S 60 G
Med Kit DX 150 G
Ether Pack 40 G
Ether Pack S 80 G
Revive 60 G
Cure-All 100 G
Antidote 60 G
Neuro Stim 60 G
Escape Pack 20 G
Bio Sphere 120 G
Name Buy Price
Work Gloves 80 G
Mithril Rod 520 G
SAIFAR45 1200 G
Name Buy Price
Ruby Suit 1200 G
D Unit V5 1400 G
V0LG40 880 G
Ruby Helmet 600 G
Protector 80 G
Green Ring 400 G
Blue Ring 200 G
Kobold Ring 200 G
Orange Ring 300 G
Name Buy Price
BXS002V 200 G
BXS003V 200 G
BXS004V 200 G
BXS005V 200 G
Name Buy Price
Starter Set 400 G
Card Pack #1 100 G
Card Pack #2 100 G

AGWS Parts Shop - Song of Nephilim Appears[edit]

Name Buy Price
PB55AG 1000G
HG75VX 900G
GLG76AG 1400G
BA15VX 1800G
BL24AG 1400G
SHB67AG 1000G
HMR55AG 1600G
LM11VX 2400G
LG100VX 3800G
GRD20AG 2000G
Name Buy Price
Auxiliary Armor A 100G
Auxiliary Armor B 200G
EF Circuit A 200G
EF Circuit B 400G
Armor Protection Unit 500G
Engine Shield 500G
Gear Shield 500G
AP Shield 500G
Cockpit Guard 800G
Guard Cleaner 2000G
Guard Recovery 2000G
Anti-Fire Armor 1000G
Anti-Ice Armor 1000G
Anti-Lightning Armor 1000G
Anti-Beam Armor 1000G
Name Buy Price
Starter Set 400G
Card Pack #1 100G
Card Pack #2 100G
Name Buy Price
VX01-F04 2000G
VX01-F05 3200G
AG02-F04 2000G
AG02-F05 2600G
VX02-F04 2000G
VX02-F05 3200G
VX01-G04 2400G
VX01-G05 3600G
AG02-G04 3200G
AG02-G05 4800G
VX02-G04 2800G
VX02-G05 4400G

Our Treasure Inn - Proto Merkabah Appears[edit]

Name Buy Price
Med Kit 20 G
Med Kit S 60 G
Med Kit DX 150 G
Ether Pack 40 G
Ether Pack S 80 G
Revive 60 G
Cure-All 100 G
Antidote 60 G
Neuro Stim 60 G
Escape Pack 20 G
Bio Sphere 120 G
Name Buy Price
Saint Rod 680 G
SAIFAR45 1200 G
CROSS 2400 G
Name Buy Price
Techtron Clothes 2000 G
D Unit V6 2600 G
V0LG50 1500 G
Techtron Helmet 800 G
Protector 80 G
Green Ring 400 G
Blue Ring 200 G
Kobold Ring 200 G
Orange Ring 300 G
Name Buy Price
CS700SLW 500 G
CS700PWD 500 G
CS700DFD 500 G
CS700UVL 500 G
BXS002V 200 G
BXS003V 200 G
BXS004V 200 G
BXS005V 200 G
Name Buy Price
Starter Set 400 G
Card Pack #1 100 G
Card Pack #2 100 G



  • The sign on Bakery Smile features Pac-Man.
