Xenosaga Episode I
Xenosaga Episode II
Xenosaga Episode III

Hammer (XS)

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XSF Encyclopedia picture Hammer.png
Species Human
Gender Male
Age 27
28 (Episode III)
Height 176 cm
Weight 57 kg
Japanese VA Taiki Matsuno
English VA Michael Lindsay (XS1)
Jason Spisak (XS2, XS3)
Appearances Xenosaga Episode I
Xenosaga Episode II
Xenosaga Episode III
Xenosaga Freaks
Xenosaga I & II
Xenosaga Outer File
Xenosaga: The Animation
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This article is about the Xenosaga character. For the Xenogears character, see Hammer (XG).

Hammer (ハマー) is a supporting character in the Xenosaga series. He is the navigator of the Elsa.

Appearance and personality[edit]

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Story arc[edit]


Hammer is the navigator on the Elsa. He was childhood friends with fellow Elsa crewmember Tony. A former teen hacker, he got in over his head when he hacked into the database of a criminal organization. Since then, he has been on the run from them. He was rescued by Matthews and they have worked with each other ever since. Despite his clownish at times personality, he is excellent with his navigator and engineering duties.

Episode I[edit]

Hammer first appears when the Elsa makes its way through the wreckage of the Woglinde. Matthews gets rather frustrated with Hammer's reference to old suspicions, then his perversion over KOS-MOS, whom he initially believes to be a corpse. Hammer befriends Shion and the others after they come on board the Elsa. When the Elsa is stopped at the Dock Colony, Hammer helps search for the missing Cherenkov and finds him being beaten up in an alley by some punks. He heads back to the others to get help. Throughout the rest of the game he can be found helping out on the Elsa.

Episode II[edit]

Hammear appears early in the game along with the rest of the Elsa crew when it arrives at Second Miltia. He appears again later when Shion makes her way to space and boards the Elsa as it heads towards Old Miltia, then to the Ω System.

Episode III[edit]

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  • Hammer built chaos's A.G.W.S. from scrap parts salvaged from various battlefields.
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Episode I


BORN: T.C. 4740
AGE: 27 years old

Navigator on the passenger cargo ship Elsa.

He may not look it, but he was once revered as a brilliant hacker in his teens. However, he got in way over his head when he hacked into a criminal organization's database, and he has been on the run since then.

He was rescued by Matthews, and the two have worked together ever since. He knows Tony, the pilot, since childhood.

Although he may be a clown, he is an excellent navigator and engineer.

Episode III


Hammer Database Thumbnail XS3.jpg

Navigator of the cargo and passenger spaceship Elsa.

Navigator of the Kukai Foundation civilian cargo and passenger spaceship Elsa.

A renowned hacker as a teenager, he got cocky and made a move on a certain criminal organization’s database, and became targeted for retribution as a result. Saved by Matthews, their relationship has continued since then. He is the childhood friend of Tony, the helmsman.

Even though his navigational skills are top-class and he has the trust of Matthews and Tony, people often assume that he is just a clown upon first meeting him, perhaps because of his levity. While his flippant remarks often incite Matthews’s anger they appear to consider that a part of the bond they share.

Irrepressibly curious, he actively tries to get involved in everything though he’s also timid and often has reservations, quick to back out of what he’s gotten himself into.



Hammer Encyclopedia Thumbnail XSF.png

エルザのナビゲーター。 ハッキング技術も天才的。

T.C. 4740年生まれ。 27歳。
クーカイ・ファウンデーション所属の民間航宙貨客船エルザのナビゲーター。 10代の頃、天才ハッカーとして名を馳せていたがある犯罪組織のデータベースに侵入して命を狙われていたところをマシューズに救われ、 エルザのナビゲーターとなる。 軽いノリの発言がマシューズの怒りを買うことも多いが、それもスキンシップの一環である。 ナビゲーターとしての腕は一流でマシューズやトニーからの信頼も厚いが、 軽く見られるその態度からか、知り合ったばかりの者から信頼を得るまでは時間がかかりそうだ。好奇心旺盛で何事にも積極的に関わろうとするが、 反面気が小さいところがあり、 おっかなびっくりですぐに関わりを絶とうとすることも多い。

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Official artwork[edit]

Xenosaga Episode I[edit]


Xenosaga Episode II[edit]


Xenosaga Episode III[edit]

Character portraits[edit]


Xenosaga I & II[edit]

Character portraits[edit]