Xenosaga Episode III

Floating Landmass

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The Floating Landmass.

Floating Landmass refers to a separated part of Lost Jerusalem in Xenosaga Episode III - Also Sprach Zarathustra.


The Floating Landmass appears in space, believed to be a portion of Lost Jerusalem. A battle breaks out in space between the forces of the Durandal and Ormus. Eventually Ormus' forces retreat based on orders made by Heinlein to Margulis. However as a result of the fighting the Elsa is drawn in and trapped within the hypersphere surrounding it. After retrieving KOS-MOS from the CAT Testing Ground, the party heads here and is able to make its way into the hypersphere and find the Elsa. Searching the area in their E.S.s, the party finds mysterious words written on the wall that match those found in MOMO's Y-Data. The Blue Testament appears and reveals himself to the party as Virgil. After his E.S., Naphtali is defeated by the party, the White Testament appears in the E.S. Simeon to retrieve Virgil and take the Vessel of Anima from Naphtali. The party then makes its way through the Ancient Temple, eventually arriving at Rennes-le-Château.

As an area[edit]

Main articles: Gedalya Space, Bedrock Layer, Ancient Temple, Rennes-le-Château

The Floating Landmass is explored as an area during the party's attempt to rescue the Elsa.


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