Xenosaga Episode I
Xenosaga Episode II
Xenosaga Episode III


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Febronia XS3.jpg
Species Realian
Gender Female
Age 16 (Appearance)
Height 160 cm
Japanese VA Mariko Koda
English VA Unknown (XS1)
Kari Wahlgren (XS2, XS3)
Appearances Xenosaga Episode I
Xenosaga Episode II
Xenosaga Episode III
Xenosaga I & II
Xenosaga: The Animation

Febronia is a supporting character in the Xenosaga series. She is a Realian that Shion knew when she was a child.

Appearance and personality[edit]

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Story arc[edit]



Febronia was a U-TIC human-Realian hybrid designed by Joachim Mizrahi for Zohar control experiments on Miltia. She is owned owned by the Uzuki family. She helped raised Shion while her mother is in a coma and her father working for U-TIC. Additionally, Cecily, Cathe, and Almadel were created from her body who were also used for Zohar control experiments. However, she wished for peace between humans and Realians, she took care of an abandoned church. Shion frequently attended this church and at one time, prayed with Febronia. She also taught Shion how to grow flowers.

Miltian Conflict[edit]

During the Miltian Conflict, came across a wounded Federation soldier named Luis Virgil, who participated in the Second Descent Operation. In an act of selflessness, she donated a part of her organs to keep him alive. After recovering herself, Febronia treated Virgil and provided him food and shelter at the church. Virgil questions why she chose to save him as her perceives all Realians as enemies, as he was ordered to kill Realians. She replies that there's nothing important than life. After the exchange, Virgil and Febronia entered a brief relationship.

On the night of the Third Descent Operation, the church was attacked by a group of berserk combat Realians due to the Song of Nephilim that Shion was trying to escape from. Febronia confronted the Realians to serve as a distraction to allow Virgil and Shion to escape, but is stabbed in the heart by one of them, killing her instantly who then consumed her flesh.

Virgil is greatly upset by her death and retaliated against her killers and took her body to safety. Febronia's death would haunt Shion and Virgil for the rest of their lives. To cope with the trauma, Virgil convinced himself that he never loved Febronia. Shion on the other hand unconsciously suppressed her memories of her death.

Episode I[edit]

Febronia appears very briefly as the last thing that Virgil sees before he dies after being shot by KOS-MOS. Febronia appears herself to Shion and the others far later in the game when they make their way into the Encephalon, to Old Miltia. She appears within a stone church. She claims she longed for it to be a place where Realians could find peace. Shion recognizes Febronia and quickly flashes back to her being eaten by several other beings. She claims she knows her, but says she doesn't want to remember. Febronia has Shion and the others follow her into a room in the back where she claims they will come face to face with themselves. This brings them to the Acute Neurosis Treatment Facility, where Shion's mother was being held when she was a child. After the group defeats the Gnosis Tiamat, Shion appears in a field with a tree where she sees Febronia accompanying two young girls, her "sisters" Cecily and Cathe. Febronia tells her that isn't the real her, and this field is an illusion created for Cecily and Cathe and that she's showing it to them using KOS-MOS' Encephalon construction abilities. She claims her sisters are trapped by a binding spell used by mankind to control the Zohar. She requests that Shion release them.

Episode II[edit]

Febronia appears to Shion while she is on board the Dämmerung. She appears in a vision along with the Zohar and explains this is a cage her sisters are held in. She asks Shion to free them and lift the curse mankind has placed upon them. When Shion and the others arrive at the Zohar Isolation Area, finding Cecily and Cathe, Shion hears Febronia's voice again, asking her to set them free.


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Episode I


The female Realian at the church inside the Encephalon.

She is connected to an incident in Shion's childhood, as well as Nephilim.

She may also have some connection to Virgil, as evidenced by the flashback he had, right after he was shot by KOS-MOS.

Episode III


Febronia Database Thumbnail XS3.jpg

A special Realian designed by Joachim Mizrahi for the Zohar connection experiments.

One of a special transgenic type of Realian designed by Joachim Mizrahi for the Zohar connection experiments, as part of the U-TIC Organization's Zohar Control Project.

Additionally three others, Cecilia, Catherine, and Almadel were created from her body. They were used in the Zohar connection experiments on Miltia.

She met Shion as a child at the time of the Miltian Conflict, and looked after her in Shion's hospitalized mother's stead.

Later, she met Luis Virgil, who had been wounded in battle, and transplanted a portion of her own body tissue in order to save his life. For a brief while after that, she and the human Virgil rendezvoused frequently, nurturing the love between them.

However, when the combat Realians went out of control upon the activation of the Song of Nephilim, she shielded Virgil and Shion, and was brutally killed before their eyes.



Febronia Encyclopedia Thumbnail XSF.png

KOS-MOSのメインフレーム内で 出 会 っ た 女性型 レ ア リエン。

シオンが、KOS-MOSのメインフレーム( 内的世界)にエンセフェロン・ダイプした途中に出会った存在で、別次元にいる女性型レアリエン 。シオンは思い起 こしたくない記憶として 、このフェブロニアの元の姿を認識している。ゾハルを制御するために作られた妹たち(セシリーとキャス)を解放するため 、また人も物もすべての意識が存在するためにも、ゾハルの制御システムを破壊して、未来を変えて欲しいとシオンたちに望みを託している。

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Episode I[edit]

Episode II[edit]

Xenosaga I & II[edit]

Episode III[edit]

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