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This article is about collectables in Xenoblade Chronicles. For collectibles in other games, see Collectible (disambiguation).
A collectable orb.

Collectables are items in Xenoblade Chronicles and Future Connected. They are randomly obtained by picking up blue item orbs that are spread across the world. Each major area in the game has its own set of collectables. An exception are collectables from the "Other" category, which must be obtained through trading.

Collectables have several purposes.

  • They can be sold to shops for money.
  • They can be traded to named NPCs in order to get other items, including other collectables. The trade value of a collectable is ten times higher than its sale value.
  • They can be added to the Collectopaedia. Only one copy of each collectable may be added. Filling in the Collectopaedia grants rewards of weapons, equipment, or gems.
  • They can be components of completing quests, including Colony 6 reconstruction.
  • They can be gifted from one party member to another in order to increase the affinity between them (or decrease, if the receiver dislikes it).

Many collectables are native to areas that later become inaccessible. These collectables never become completely unobtainable, as they can be found in certain locations in Colony 6 at higher Special reconstruction levels. (Some, but not all, can also be traded for.) However, because of how many collectables are being squeezed into few collection points, it is difficult to luck into anything in particular. It is therefore wise to try and ensure that one has a completed Collectopaedia page plus a decent amount of collectables before moving on from an area, in case they are needed later.

In the Definitive Edition, collectables that can be used in Colony 6 reconstruction can be obtained from the Nopon Archsage in exchange for Noponstone, after a late point in the plot.

Collectables are split into eight different categories:

  • Collectable veg.png Vegetables
  • Collectable fruit.png Fruits
  • Collectable flower.png Flowers
  • Collectable animal.png Animals
  • Collectable bug.png Bugs
  • Collectable nature.png Nature
  • Collectable parts.png Parts
  • Collectable strange.png Strange

List of collectables[edit]

Xenoblade Chronicles[edit]

Collectable Type Area Value Gifting
Shulk Reyn Fiora Dunban Sharla Riki Melia
Absurd Branch Collectable nature.png Nature Prison Island 714 G ​+4 ​+4 ​-12 ​+14 ​+6 ​+4 ​-6
Abyss Heather Collectable flower.png Flower Sword Valley 960 G ​-8 ​-8 ​+6 ​+12 ​+2 ​-2 ​+14
Acerola Pea Collectable veg.png Veg Mechonis Field 1,104 G ​+2 ​-2 ​+8 ​+2 ​-4 ​+8 ​+2
Amber Leaf Collectable nature.png Nature Fallen Arm 660 G ​-6 ​-2 ​+6 ​+6 ​+12 ​-2 ​-4
Amblygon Turtle Collectable animal.png Animal Colony 6 432 G ​+2 ​+12 ​+4 ​-2 ​+6 ​-12 ​+6
Amethyst Melon Collectable fruit.png Fruit Sword Valley 1,800 G ​+4 ​-16 ​+2 ​-2 ​+12 ​+10 ​+20
Amethyst Vanilla Collectable veg.png Veg Valak Mountain 912 G ​-6 ​-8 ​+8 ​+2 ​+2 ​+10 ​+8
Angel Engine X Collectable parts.png Parts Central Factory 2,250 G ​+10 ​-2 ​-4 ​+8 ​+12 ​+2 ​+4
Angel Engine Y Collectable parts.png Parts Other 1,980 G ​+2 ​+6 ​-6 ​+18 ​+2 ​-2 ​+2
Angry Monkey Collectable animal.png Animal Prison Island 714 G ​-14 ​+10 ​+6 ​+10 ​+4 ​-4 ​+2
Art Core Coil Collectable parts.png Parts Galahad Fortress 1,890 G ​+18 ​+2 ​-4 ​+8 ​-8 ​+2 ​+12
Ash Fox Collectable animal.png Animal Makna Forest 432 G ​+2 ​+8 ​+4 ​-4 ​+6 ​-6 ​+2
Azure Hollyhock Collectable flower.png Flower Mechonis Field 1,104 G ​+22 ​-2 ​+4 ​-2 ​-4 ​-12 ​+10
Azure Mouse Collectable animal.png Animal Bionis' Interior 1,248 G ​+14 ​+12 ​+6 ​-4 ​-6 ​-12 ​+6
Bellflower Crystal Collectable flower.png Flower Agniratha 1,296 G ​+8 ​+6 ​+2 ​-2 ​-2 ​-2 ​+8
Benign Cricket Collectable bug.png Bug Makna Forest 648 G ​-4 ​+10 ​-6 ​+6 ​+2 ​+14 ​-4
Bitter Broccoli Collectable veg.png Veg Sword Valley 1,080 G ​+6 ​+4 ​+10 ​+2 ​-4 ​+2 ​-2
Bitter Kiwi Collectable fruit.png Fruit Makna Forest 864 G ​+8 ​-6 ​-6 ​-4 ​+10 ​+10 ​+12
Bitter Melon Collectable fruit.png Fruit Sword Valley 840 G ​+10 ​-6 ​-8 ​-4 ​+10 ​+8 ​+4
Black Ash Collectable nature.png Nature Valak Mountain 798 G ​+2 ​+6 ​+2 ​+14 ​+14 ​-10 ​-14
Black Beetle Collectable bug.png Bug Ether Mine 420 G ​+2 ​+6 ​+2 ​+12 ​-8 ​+8 ​-8
Black Blossom Collectable flower.png Flower Sword Valley 1,080 G ​+16 ​-2 ​+4 ​+6 ​+2 ​-18 ​+10
Black Chip Collectable parts.png Parts Ether Mine 780 G ​+14 ​+8 ​-12 ​+12 ​+2 ​-8 ​+10
Black Frog Collectable animal.png Animal Ether Mine 420 G ​+2 ​+16 ​+6 ​+2 ​-10 ​-10 ​+8
Black Iris Collectable flower.png Flower Makna Forest 720 G ​-6 ​-2 ​+14 ​+6 ​+2 ​-2 ​+8
Black Kiwi Collectable fruit.png Fruit Colony 9 240 G ​+2 ​-10 ​-4 ​+2 ​+12 ​+2 ​+12
Black Liver Bean Collectable veg.png Veg Bionis' Interior 2,340 G ​+2 ​+8 ​+12 ​+8 ​+4 ​-2 ​-2
Black Panel Collectable strange.png Strange Frontier Village 1,248 G ​+18 ​+2 ​+4 ​+10 ​+4 ​-12 ​+6
Black Peony Collectable flower.png Flower Valak Mountain 912 G ​+2 ​-2 ​+8 ​+4 ​+2 ​-2 ​+4
Black Styrene Collectable nature.png Nature Central Factory 1,650 G ​+2 ​+4 ​-2 ​+10 ​+10 ​+6 ​-8
Blood Oil Collectable nature.png Nature Central Factory 1,200 G ​+4 ​+12 ​+6 ​+4 ​-2 ​-2 ​-6
Blood Worm Collectable animal.png Animal Bionis' Interior 1,560 G ​+4 ​+10 ​+26 ​-16 ​-2 ​-4 ​+2
Blue Blood Collectable strange.png Strange Prison Island 1,734 G ​+18 ​+6 ​+10 ​-2 ​+4 ​-6 ​+4
Blue Chain Collectable parts.png Parts Colony 9 300 G ​+30 ​+2 ​-6 ​+6 ​-4 ​-12 ​+4
Blue Gear Shard Collectable parts.png Parts Satorl Marsh 528 G ​+6 ​+2 ​-6 ​+18 ​-6 ​-2 ​+4
Blue Glow Collectable strange.png Strange Prison Island 1,632 G ​+2 ​+6 ​+4 ​+16 ​-2 ​+4 ​+2
Blue Ladybird Collectable bug.png Bug High Entia Tomb 756 G ​+2 ​+2 ​-2 ​+6 ​-8 ​+8 ​+10
Blue Light Amp Collectable parts.png Parts Agniratha 1,152 G ​+16 ​-12 ​-6 ​+6 ​+4 ​+2 ​+6
Blue Root Collectable veg.png Veg Central Factory 750 G ​-8 ​+4 ​+12 ​-10 ​+2 ​+14 ​-4
Blue Turnip Collectable veg.png Veg Satorl Marsh 1,056 G ​+4 ​+2 ​+12 ​+2 ​-2 ​+10 ​+4
Bluesky Bark Collectable nature.png Nature Bionis' Leg 624 G ​+4 ​+4 ​-2 ​+10 ​+4 ​-2 ​+8
Bright Fig Collectable fruit.png Fruit Tephra Cave 798 G ​+2 ​+10 ​-2 ​-2 ​+18 ​+10 ​+2
Bronze Wood Collectable nature.png Nature Mechonis Field 1,380 G ​+8 ​-2 ​+6 ​+10 ​+2 ​+2 ​-6
Broom Icicle Collectable nature.png Nature Valak Mountain 798 G ​+8 ​-2 ​+6 ​+10 ​+2 ​-2 ​-8
Brown Butterfly Collectable bug.png Bug Tephra Cave 378 G ​+8 ​+6 ​+2 ​+6 ​-12 ​+16 ​-8
Bud of Eternity Collectable strange.png Strange Sword Valley 1,680 G ​+6 ​-6 ​-2 ​+4 ​+10 ​+10 ​+6
Cable Mouse Collectable animal.png Animal Central Factory 2,700 G ​+16 ​+14 ​+8 ​-10 ​+4 ​-2 ​+6
Cave Rat Collectable animal.png Animal Tephra Cave 294 G ​+2 ​+4 ​+14 ​-10 ​+2 ​-6 ​+8
Charcoal Leg Collectable nature.png Nature Ether Mine 660 G ​+2 ​+4 ​+2 ​+6 ​+8 ​+6 ​-6
Chewy Radish Collectable veg.png Veg Colony 9 450 G ​-2 ​+2 ​+16 ​-4 ​+4 ​+10 ​+4
Chimera Rabbit Collectable animal.png Animal Satorl Marsh 792 G ​-6 ​+10 ​-2 ​-2 ​+2 ​+2 ​+20
Citron Gooseberry Collectable fruit.png Fruit Sword Valley 960 G ​+2 ​-6 ​-2 ​-4 ​+12 ​+8 ​+6
Clarity Moss Collectable nature.png Nature Tephra Cave 294 G ​+2 ​+10 ​+6 ​+4 ​-2 ​-2 ​-4
Clear Almond Collectable fruit.png Fruit Tephra Cave 294 G ​+6 ​-12 ​-2 ​-4 ​+6 ​+6 ​+14
Coin of Fortune Collectable strange.png Strange Other 2,700 G ​-2 ​+2 ​+4 ​+4 ​+6 ​+4 ​+12
Confusion Ivy Collectable nature.png Nature Tephra Cave 294 G ​+6 ​+4 ​-6 ​+10 ​+8 ​-2 ​-6
Cool Lemon Collectable fruit.png Fruit Alcamoth 672 G ​-6 ​-6 ​-2 ​-6 ​+12 ​+14 ​+8
Cool Potato Collectable veg.png Veg Colony 9 270 G ​+2 ​+4 ​+10 ​+2 ​-10 ​+14 ​-4
Crimson Citrus Collectable fruit.png Fruit Frontier Village 546 G ​+2 ​-14 ​+4 ​-10 ​+10 ​+10 ​+12
Crimson Gear Collectable parts.png Parts Sword Valley 1,200 G ​+10 ​-10 ​+2 ​+2 ​+8 ​+2 ​+6
Crystal Frog Collectable animal.png Animal Valak Mountain 1,140 G ​-4 ​+14 ​+8 ​-4 ​+12 ​-2 ​-4
Cute Orchid Collectable flower.png Flower Colony 6 594 G ​+4 ​-2 ​+12 ​-8 ​+2 ​+4 ​+10
Cute Parsnip Collectable veg.png Veg Satorl Marsh 330 G ​-6 ​+4 ​+20 ​-16 ​+2 ​+8 ​-2
Dance Apple Collectable fruit.png Fruit Colony 9 270 G ​-2 ​-2 ​-2 ​+2 ​+10 ​+10 ​+2
Dancing Squirrel Collectable animal.png Animal Prison Island 1,020 G ​+2 ​+10 ​+2 ​-4 ​+2 ​+6 ​+2
Dark Fish Collectable animal.png Animal Fallen Arm 1,452 G ​+2 ​+12 ​+6 ​+2 ​+2 ​-4 ​+2
Dark Grape Collectable fruit.png Fruit Tephra Cave 252 G ​+4 ​-14 ​+4 ​-14 ​+12 ​+6 ​+14
Dark Mango Collectable fruit.png Fruit Makna Forest 432 G ​+8 ​-6 ​-2 ​+2 ​+8 ​-4 ​+6
Darkness Bottle Collectable strange.png Strange Sword Valley 1,560 G ​+2 ​+4 ​+4 ​+10 ​-2 ​-2 ​+10
Dawn Dice Collectable strange.png Strange Satorl Marsh 990 G ​+4 ​+4 ​+18 ​-8 ​+6 ​+4 ​+2
Dawn Hydrangea Collectable flower.png Flower Colony 9 150 G ​-4 ​-2 ​+4 ​-2 ​+6 ​+4 ​+4
Deadly Kiwi Collectable fruit.png Fruit Prison Island 918 G ​+4 ​-2 ​-2 ​+4 ​+4 ​+4 ​+6
Death Bangle Collectable strange.png Strange Bionis' Leg 1,008 G ​-10 ​+6 ​+6 ​+18 ​+12 ​+4 ​+6
Death Lychee Collectable fruit.png Fruit Prison Island 714 G ​+2 ​+2 ​+4 ​-14 ​+10 ​+8 ​+2
Delerium Foxglove Collectable flower.png Flower Sword Valley 2,040 G ​+4 ​+2 ​+20 ​+2 ​+4 ​-6 ​+8
Despair Clover Collectable flower.png Flower Eryth Sea 1,350 G ​-2 ​+2 ​+8 ​+12 ​+4 ​-6 ​+12
Devious Gravity Collectable strange.png Strange Bionis' Leg 672 G ​+4 ​+12 ​-2 ​+10 ​+4 ​-4 ​+4
Dew Beetle Collectable bug.png Bug Central Factory 900 G ​+8 ​+4 ​-6 ​+12 ​-6 ​+4 ​-4
Digital Filament Collectable parts.png Parts Fallen Arm 1,188 G ​+24 ​-6 ​-6 ​+6 ​+2 ​-14 ​+12
Dilemma Rock Collectable nature.png Nature Eryth Sea 1,260 G ​+2 ​+12 ​+2 ​+4 ​+6 ​+14 ​-12
Dobercorgi Collectable animal.png Animal Colony 6 702 G ​+10 ​+10 ​+6 ​-4 ​-2 ​-16 ​+22
Dolphin Carrot Collectable veg.png Veg Eryth Sea 540 G ​+6 ​+4 ​+8 ​+2 ​-6 ​+2 ​-4
Doomsday Poppy Collectable flower.png Flower Eryth Sea 720 G ​+2 ​-18 ​+6 ​+2 ​+10 ​-2 ​+16
Dramatic Night Collectable strange.png Strange Agniratha 2,304 G ​+18 ​+4 ​+4 ​+10 ​+4 ​-12 ​+4
Dry Lemon Collectable fruit.png Fruit Prison Island 714 G ​-2 ​-4 ​-2 ​-4 ​+6 ​+14 ​+6
Electric Cricket Collectable bug.png Bug Agniratha 1,152 G ​+2 ​-8 ​+6 ​+8 ​-6 ​+10 ​+4
Emerald Snow Collectable nature.png Nature Valak Mountain 1,026 G ​+4 ​+4 ​-6 ​+10 ​+14 ​+6 ​-14
Emperor Beetle Collectable bug.png Bug Prison Island 510 G ​-8 ​+2 ​+6 ​+14 ​-10 ​+8 ​-2
Empress Beetle Collectable bug.png Bug Frontier Village 1,014 G ​+4 ​+10 ​-4 ​+12 ​-10 ​+8 ​+6
Energy Aubergine Collectable veg.png Veg Mechonis Field 4,278 G ​+10 ​+28 ​+10 ​+10 ​-2 ​+18 ​-12
Enigma Lotus Collectable flower.png Flower Makna Forest 648 G ​+2 ​-2 ​+10 ​-8 ​+2 ​+4 ​+10
Eryth Blue Collectable strange.png Strange Agniratha 2,160 G ​+10 ​+6 ​+4 ​+4 ​-8 ​+4 ​+10
Ether Pebble Collectable nature.png Nature Ether Mine 600 G ​+2 ​+6 ​+6 ​+10 ​+6 ​+2 ​-12
Ether Penguin Collectable animal.png Animal Fallen Arm 1,584 G ​-2 ​+12 ​+8 ​+12 ​-6 ​-2 ​+2
Ether Plum Collectable fruit.png Fruit Valak Mountain 684 G ​+2 ​-4 ​+10 ​-20 ​+6 ​+8 ​+10
Ether Rose Collectable flower.png Flower Satorl Marsh 594 G ​-8 ​+6 ​+6 ​+12 ​+2 ​-2 ​+2
Fairy Tale Diode Collectable parts.png Parts Agniratha 1,296 G ​+10 ​+2 ​+12 ​-6 ​-2 ​-2 ​+4
Fancy Bolt Collectable parts.png Parts Agniratha 1,584 G ​+10 ​+2 ​+2 ​-2 ​-2 ​+4 ​+8
Fatal Belladonna Collectable flower.png Flower Valak Mountain 1,140 G ​+2 ​-2 ​+18 ​-2 ​+4 ​-8 ​+8
Feather Leaf Collectable nature.png Nature Satorl Marsh 858 G ​-2 ​+4 ​-6 ​+10 ​+6 ​+4 ​+10
Fire Abron Collectable strange.png Strange Ether Mine 960 G ​-6 ​+2 ​+10 ​+12 ​+4 ​+6 ​+4
Fire Apple Collectable fruit.png Fruit Valak Mountain 1,140 G ​+4 ​-2 ​-12 ​-2 ​+22 ​+8 ​+2
Fire Pepper Collectable veg.png Veg Sword Valley 1,320 G ​-6 ​+12 ​-2 ​+2 ​+18 ​+6 ​-8
Fire Tarantula Collectable bug.png Bug Bionis' Leg 720 G ​+2 ​-6 ​+14 ​+6 ​-4 ​+8 ​+10
Flame Frame Collectable strange.png Strange Mechonis Field 1,794 G ​+6 ​+6 ​-2 ​+4 ​+2 ​+14 ​-4
Forest of Gossip Collectable strange.png Strange Makna Forest 936 G ​+4 ​+4 ​-4 ​+4 ​+4 ​+16 ​-2
Forget-You-Not Collectable flower.png Flower Satorl Marsh 1,122 G ​+10 ​+2 ​+10 ​+2 ​-10 ​+2 ​+18
Fortune Feather Collectable nature.png Nature Agniratha 1,584 G ​-10 ​+4 ​+2 ​+12 ​+10 ​-2 ​+6
Fortune Mallow Collectable flower.png Flower Valak Mountain 1,026 G ​+2 ​-2 ​+10 ​-8 ​+2 ​+4 ​+10
Fossil Monkey Collectable animal.png Animal Makna Forest 792 G ​+4 ​+12 ​+18 ​-10 ​-6 ​-6 ​+10
Freesia Cyst Collectable flower.png Flower Agniratha 2,016 G ​+4 ​-6 ​+8 ​+2 ​+2 ​+6 ​+12
Frost Glass Collectable strange.png Strange Valak Mountain 2,622 G ​+6 ​+6 ​+2 ​+6 ​+2 ​+14 ​+10
Giant Hornet Collectable bug.png Bug Colony 9 180 G ​+2 ​+16 ​-8 ​+8 ​-6 ​+8 ​-8
Girl Courgette Collectable veg.png Veg Valak Mountain 1,140 G ​-4 ​+18 ​+14 ​-6 ​+2 ​+8 ​-12
Glider Cockroach Collectable bug.png Bug Central Factory 1,500 G ​-4 ​+6 ​-2 ​+2 ​+2 ​+22 ​-6
Gold Burdock Collectable veg.png Veg Eryth Sea 900 G ​-18 ​+6 ​+12 ​+6 ​+10 ​+10 ​-6
Gold Caterpillar Collectable bug.png Bug Tephra Cave 378 G ​-4 ​+4 ​+2 ​+8 ​-4 ​+10 ​+2
Gold Condenser Collectable parts.png Parts Sword Valley 960 G ​-6 ​+2 ​-8 ​+18 ​+6 ​-2 ​+6
Gold Dust Illusion Collectable strange.png Strange Bionis' Leg 624 G ​-2 ​-6 ​+4 ​+4 ​+16 ​+4 ​+6
Golden Beetroot Collectable veg.png Veg Fallen Arm 1,188 G ​-6 ​+4 ​+14 ​-6 ​-6 ​+16 ​+2
Golden Cog Collectable parts.png Parts Other 1,620 G ​+4 ​-2 ​+2 ​+6 ​-2 ​-4 ​+14
Grape Spring Collectable parts.png Parts Agniratha 1,296 G ​+24 ​-6 ​-4 ​+6 ​+2 ​-14 ​+10
Gravel Disk Collectable strange.png Strange Makna Forest 1,872 G ​+8 ​+14 ​+2 ​+8 ​+14 ​+8 ​-2
Green Cam Collectable parts.png Parts Prison Island 918 G ​+12 ​+2 ​-12 ​+6 ​-2 ​+10 ​+2
Green Diode Collectable parts.png Parts High Entia Tomb 756 G ​+10 ​+2 ​-10 ​+6 ​-6 ​+4 ​+12
Green Earwig Collectable bug.png Bug High Entia Tomb 588 G ​+8 ​+4 ​-6 ​+8 ​-4 ​+10 ​-6
Gypsum Branch Collectable nature.png Nature Valak Mountain 1,368 G ​+10 ​+4 ​-6 ​+16 ​+2 ​+2 ​-4
Ha Ha Ha Collectable strange.png Strange Alcamoth 1,824 G ​+4 ​+10 ​+16 ​-2 ​+4 ​+4 ​+2
Hades Beetle Collectable bug.png Bug Makna Forest 720 G ​+2 ​+4 ​+2 ​+12 ​-2 ​+12 ​-10
Happy Carnival Collectable strange.png Strange Satorl Marsh 1,518 G ​+12 ​+6 ​+6 ​+6 ​+2 ​+12 ​+2
Happy Duck Collectable animal.png Animal Bionis' Interior 1,716 G ​+2 ​+18 ​-2 ​-2 ​+2 ​+2 ​+2
Happy Rabbit Collectable animal.png Animal Tephra Cave 378 G ​-6 ​+10 ​+18 ​-10 ​+6 ​-6 ​+6
Hard Lotus Collectable veg.png Veg Bionis' Leg 432 G ​-6 ​+4 ​-6 ​+2 ​+16 ​+14 ​-6
Heart Peach Collectable fruit.png Fruit Alcamoth 1,536 G ​-2 ​+2 ​+2 ​+4 ​+12 ​+10 ​+4
Hell Raspberry Collectable fruit.png Fruit Prison Island 816 G ​-4 ​-6 ​-12 ​-4 ​+30 ​+6 ​+6
High Entia Jewel Collectable strange.png Strange Bionis' Interior 2,184 G ​+4 ​-12 ​+4 ​+6 ​+12 ​+2 ​+12
High Violet Collectable strange.png Strange Eryth Sea 1,350 G ​+4 ​+4 ​-2 ​+4 ​+6 ​+6 ​+8
Hill Firefly Collectable bug.png Bug Bionis' Leg 240 G ​+2 ​+2 ​+2 ​+10 ​-6 ​+8 ​-8
Honey Rhubarb Collectable veg.png Veg Makna Forest 648 G ​-12 ​+4 ​+12 ​+2 ​+2 ​+14 ​-4
Hot Taro Collectable veg.png Veg Bionis' Leg 384 G ​-10 ​-2 ​+10 ​+6 ​+2 ​+8 ​+2
Humming Cabbage Collectable veg.png Veg Satorl Marsh 726 G ​-8 ​+20 ​+4 ​+2 ​+2 ​+12 ​-10
Humming Cat Collectable animal.png Animal Satorl Marsh 594 G ​-8 ​+12 ​+12 ​+4 ​+2 ​-6 ​+2
Humming Nettle Collectable flower.png Flower Makna Forest 648 G ​+4 ​+2 ​+6 ​+4 ​+2 ​-6 ​+6
Humming Plum Collectable fruit.png Fruit Bionis' Leg 384 G ​+2 ​-6 ​-2 ​+2 ​+2 ​+12 ​+6
Hunger Crash Collectable strange.png Strange Galahad Fortress 1,386 G ​+2 ​+22 ​-4 ​+2 ​+2 ​+2 ​-4
Ice Cabbage Collectable veg.png Veg Valak Mountain 1,368 G ​-4 ​+6 ​+16 ​-6 ​-2 ​+16 ​-2
Ice Kiwi Fruit Collectable fruit.png Fruit Fallen Arm 924 G ​+2 ​-6 ​-8 ​-4 ​+2 ​+20 ​+8
Ice Monkey Collectable animal.png Animal Valak Mountain 1,254 G ​+4 ​+4 ​+6 ​-2 ​+2 ​+2 ​+6
Insanity Mint Collectable flower.png Flower Tephra Cave 294 G ​+2 ​+4 ​-8 ​-2 ​+2 ​+4 ​+12
Insanity Moss Collectable nature.png Nature Prison Island 816 G ​-4 ​+10 ​+2 ​+10 ​+4 ​-2 ​-4
Ivy Nest Collectable nature.png Nature Mechonis Field 1,656 G ​-4 ​+2 ​-4 ​+10 ​+6 ​+6 ​+8
Juicy Blueberry Collectable fruit.png Fruit Agniratha 1,728 G ​+8 ​+8 ​-2 ​-4 ​+4 ​+8 ​+2
Juicy Broccoli Collectable veg.png Veg Bionis' Leg 432 G ​-12 ​+6 ​+14 ​+2 ​+2 ​+8 ​-2
Juicy Grape Collectable fruit.png Fruit Makna Forest 792 G ​+2 ​+2 ​-2 ​-2 ​+10 ​+8 ​+4
Juicy Melon Collectable fruit.png Fruit Sword Valley 1,680 G ​+4 ​+8 ​-8 ​-2 ​+10 ​+14 ​+2
Juicy Steakplant Collectable veg.png Veg Mechonis Field 1,104 G ​-8 ​+4 ​+10 ​+2 ​+8 ​+2 ​-2
Jujube Silver Collectable flower.png Flower Sword Valley 720 G ​-4 ​-10 ​+6 ​-2 ​+14 ​-2 ​+10
Kelp Mushroom Collectable veg.png Veg Makna Forest 576 G ​-4 ​+6 ​+10 ​-10 ​+4 ​+16 ​-6
Kneecap Rock Collectable nature.png Nature Tephra Cave 672 G ​+2 ​+6 ​+2 ​+12 ​+16 ​-4 ​-2
Large Handcuffs Collectable strange.png Strange Valak Mountain 1,596 G ​+4 ​+10 ​-2 ​+4 ​+4 ​+10 ​-2
Large Mango Collectable fruit.png Fruit Fallen Arm 924 G ​+6 ​-6 ​-2 ​+2 ​+12 ​-4 ​+6
Leaf Coil Collectable parts.png Parts Central Factory 1,350 G ​+10 ​+2 ​-12 ​+6 ​+2 ​+8 ​+2
Leaf Mystery Collectable strange.png Strange Tephra Cave 588 G ​+4 ​+6 ​-2 ​+4 ​-4 ​+10 ​+10
Lemon Stone Collectable nature.png Nature Satorl Marsh 396 G ​-4 ​+4 ​-6 ​+14 ​+12 ​-2 ​-6
Lemonade Sky Collectable strange.png Strange Makna Forest 1,224 G ​+2 ​+6 ​+4 ​+16 ​-2 ​+6 ​+2
Lewisia Silver Collectable flower.png Flower Agniratha 1,296 G ​+4 ​+10 ​+2 ​-4 ​+4 ​-2 ​+4
Light Bat Collectable animal.png Animal Ether Mine 420 G ​+4 ​+14 ​+8 ​-4 ​-6 ​-8 ​+6
Lightning Weasel Collectable animal.png Animal Prison Island 1,020 G ​+6 ​+12 ​+18 ​-10 ​-6 ​-6 ​+6
Locust Spring Collectable parts.png Parts Galahad Fortress 1,134 G ​+10 ​+2 ​-12 ​+6 ​-2 ​+12 ​+2
Love Beetle Collectable bug.png Bug Other 1,620 G ​+2 ​-12 ​+2 ​+10 ​+2 ​+10 ​+4
Love Crane Collectable strange.png Strange Ether Mine 960 G ​-2 ​+4 ​+16 ​-2 ​+10 ​+4 ​+2
Love Source Collectable strange.png Strange Other 5,625 G ​+100 ​+100 ​+100 ​+100 ​+100 ​+100 ​+100
Macro Passion Collectable strange.png Strange High Entia Tomb 1,428 G ​+4 ​+6 ​+10 ​-2 ​+4 ​+10 ​+2
Mane Cat Collectable animal.png Animal Eryth Sea 900 G ​-8 ​+4 ​+14 ​+10 ​-2 ​-2 ​+4
Marine Marble Collectable nature.png Nature Eryth Sea 1,440 G ​+10 ​+2 ​+8 ​+12 ​+4 ​-2 ​-2
Mat Ice Collectable nature.png Nature Bionis' Leg 480 G ​-4 ​+8 ​-6 ​+14 ​+12 ​+2 ​-6
Meaty Carrot Collectable veg.png Veg Sword Valley 1,320 G ​-12 ​+18 ​+12 ​-2 ​+8 ​+8 ​-10
Meaty Potato Collectable veg.png Veg Central Factory 1,800 G ​-6 ​+24 ​+10 ​+2 ​+2 ​+8 ​-16
Merry Coronation Collectable flower.png Flower Satorl Marsh 396 G ​-4 ​-2 ​+4 ​-2 ​+8 ​+4 ​+4
Minute Mantis Collectable bug.png Bug Other 1,620 G ​-10 ​+2 ​-2 ​+12 ​-8 ​+22 ​-6
Missing Tree Collectable nature.png Nature Agniratha 2,736 G ​+10 ​+8 ​+4 ​+6 ​+2 ​+14 ​-6
Mist Tree Collectable nature.png Nature Satorl Marsh 462 G ​+2 ​-4 ​+2 ​+8 ​+14 ​+2 ​-10
Modern Blue Gear Collectable parts.png Parts Mechonis Field 1,380 G ​+16 ​-10 ​-4 ​+8 ​+4 ​+2 ​+4
Modern Resistor Collectable parts.png Parts Prison Island 714 G ​+10 ​-18 ​-6 ​+6 ​+6 ​+4 ​+12
Moon Flower Collectable flower.png Flower Colony 9 270 G ​+8 ​+6 ​+2 ​-2 ​-4 ​-2 ​+10
Mossy Panel Collectable nature.png Nature Mechonis Field 552 G ​+2 ​+4 ​-6 ​+10 ​+10 ​+4 ​-16
Moth Crawler Collectable bug.png Bug Bionis' Leg 336 G ​-6 ​+6 ​-2 ​+2 ​-6 ​+30 ​-10
Mud Squirrel Collectable animal.png Animal Valak Mountain 570 G ​+16 ​+14 ​+6 ​-6 ​-12 ​-16 ​+8
Mystery Firefly Collectable bug.png Bug Ether Mine 660 G ​+16 ​+2 ​+2 ​+8 ​-10 ​+2 ​+2
Mystic Dahlia Collectable flower.png Flower Alcamoth 768 G ​-4 ​-2 ​+4 ​-2 ​+4 ​-2 ​+18
Night Lily Collectable flower.png Flower Eryth Sea 720 G ​-2 ​+2 ​+6 ​+4 ​-4 ​-8 ​+18
Night Tulip Collectable flower.png Flower Tephra Cave 294 G ​+2 ​-10 ​+4 ​+6 ​+10 ​-8 ​+10
Oil Branch Collectable nature.png Nature Eryth Sea 630 G ​+2 ​+4 ​+2 ​+10 ​-4 ​-2 ​+2
Oil Fox Collectable animal.png Animal Central Factory 1,500 G ​+2 ​+10 ​+18 ​-2 ​-2 ​-12 ​+6
Oil Oyster Collectable animal.png Animal Fallen Arm 528 G ​+4 ​+6 ​+6 ​-6 ​-4 ​-4 ​+6
Orb Daisy Collectable flower.png Flower Satorl Marsh 792 G ​+16 ​-2 ​+8 ​+4 ​+4 ​-18 ​+12
Parts Noble Collectable strange.png Strange Central Factory 2,550 G ​+6 ​+2 ​+4 ​+4 ​+10 ​+6 ​+2
Pauper's Cup Collectable strange.png Strange Satorl Marsh 1,122 G ​+24 ​+6 ​+4 ​+4 ​-2 ​-8 ​+6
Pink Asparagus Collectable veg.png Veg Eryth Sea 810 G ​-8 ​+6 ​-6 ​+2 ​+14 ​+14 ​-4
Pione Stone Collectable nature.png Nature Bionis' Leg 336 G ​+2 ​-2 ​-6 ​+12 ​+8 ​-2 ​+2
Plate Snow Collectable strange.png Strange Colony 9 450 G ​-6 ​+10 ​+4 ​+16 ​+4 ​+4 ​-2
Poison Ivy Collectable nature.png Nature Fallen Arm 1,716 G ​+2 ​-2 ​+2 ​+4 ​+8 ​+10 ​+2
Poisonous Coral Collectable nature.png Nature Fallen Arm 2,112 G ​+4 ​+2 ​-4 ​+16 ​+8 ​+2 ​+4
Poisonous Gourd Collectable veg.png Veg Satorl Marsh 660 G ​+2 ​-2 ​+10 ​+2 ​+2 ​+4 ​+2
Prairie Dragonfly Collectable bug.png Bug Colony 9 270 G ​-8 ​+4 ​-6 ​+20 ​-4 ​+16 ​-4
Princess Daffodil Collectable flower.png Flower Makna Forest 360 G ​+8 ​-12 ​+6 ​-2 ​+2 ​-2 ​+10
Prism Centipede Collectable animal.png Animal Central Factory 1,650 G ​-4 ​+4 ​+4 ​-4 ​+6 ​-4 ​+20
Pure Cherry Collectable fruit.png Fruit Makna Forest 792 G ​+2 ​-2 ​-2 ​-2 ​+12 ​+8 ​+6
Purple Lamp Collectable parts.png Parts Sword Valley 840 G ​+10 ​-6 ​-6 ​+6 ​-6 ​-2 ​+18
Pyro Lizard Collectable animal.png Animal Colony 6 432 G ​+8 ​+8 ​+12 ​-10 ​+2 ​-12 ​+8
Queen Locust Collectable bug.png Bug Bionis' Leg 384 G ​+2 ​-4 ​+6 ​+2 ​+2 ​+12 ​-4
Rabbit Diode Collectable parts.png Parts Colony 9 300 G ​+8 ​+2 ​+12 ​-6 ​+2 ​-4 ​+6
Rabbit Stone Collectable nature.png Nature Valak Mountain 684 G ​+10 ​+2 ​+4 ​+4 ​+6 ​-8 ​-6
Rainbow Bug Collectable bug.png Bug Frontier Village 390 G ​+2 ​-6 ​+2 ​+8 ​+8 ​+10 ​-14
Rainbow Slug Collectable animal.png Animal Fallen Arm 2,376 G ​+24 ​+12 ​+8 ​-2 ​+4 ​-18 ​+8
Rainbow Zirconia Collectable strange.png Strange Colony 9 390 G ​+4 ​-6 ​+4 ​+4 ​+6 ​+6 ​+8
Razor Teasel Collectable flower.png Flower Eryth Sea 720 G ​+2 ​-2 ​+2 ​-2 ​+2 ​+10 ​+4
Ready Coil Collectable parts.png Parts Ether Mine 660 G ​+10 ​+2 ​+2 ​+2 ​-2 ​+6 ​+2
Red Durian Collectable fruit.png Fruit Bionis' Leg 624 G ​-2 ​-2 ​+6 ​-4 ​+10 ​+12 ​+6
Red Frontier Collectable strange.png Strange Sword Valley 2,760 G ​+6 ​+12 ​+6 ​+2 ​+6 ​+8 ​+6
Red Lettuce Collectable veg.png Veg Colony 9 300 G ​-8 ​+12 ​+2 ​+2 ​+14 ​+8 ​-10
Retro Diode Collectable parts.png Parts Mechonis Field 1,380 G ​+8 ​+2 ​+2 ​+2 ​-6 ​-2 ​+14
Rubber Mantis Collectable bug.png Bug Ether Mine 720 G ​-8 ​+4 ​-2 ​+16 ​-6 ​+24 ​-4
Ruby Mangosteen Collectable fruit.png Fruit Valak Mountain 798 G ​+2 ​-14 ​+4 ​-10 ​+12 ​+8 ​+12
Rumble Box Collectable strange.png Strange Frontier Village 1,092 G ​+4 ​-2 ​+4 ​+4 ​-2 ​+4 ​+16
Rumble Coal Collectable nature.png Nature Ether Mine 480 G ​+2 ​+4 ​+2 ​+6 ​+12 ​-6 ​-4
Rumble Part Collectable parts.png Parts Satorl Marsh 528 G ​+8 ​+6 ​-4 ​+6 ​+2 ​+4 ​-6
Rumble Stonefly Collectable bug.png Bug Tephra Cave 420 G ​+16 ​-6 ​-2 ​+10 ​+2 ​+2 ​-2
Rusty Bolt Collectable parts.png Parts Bionis' Leg 528 G ​+10 ​+6 ​-6 ​+2 ​+4 ​-2 ​+8
Sacred Panther Collectable strange.png Strange Central Factory 3,600 G ​+6 ​+8 ​+6 ​+12 ​+2 ​+2 ​+12
Sarsaparilla Collectable veg.png Veg Bionis' Interior 1,716 G ​-6 ​-2 ​+2 ​+2 ​+16 ​+8 ​+2
Scarlet Crawler Collectable bug.png Bug Mechonis Field 1,242 G ​-4 ​+4 ​+6 ​+4 ​-8 ​+8 ​+8
Scarlet Ladybird Collectable bug.png Bug Makna Forest 504 G ​+2 ​+4 ​+6 ​+2 ​+2 ​+10 ​-12
Schorl Mushroom Collectable veg.png Veg Makna Forest 864 G ​+2 ​+18 ​+10 ​+2 ​-4 ​+8 ​-12
Scissor Bug Collectable bug.png Bug Agniratha 720 G ​+2 ​+10 ​+2 ​+8 ​-10 ​+10 ​-12
Sea Berry Collectable flower.png Flower Eryth Sea 810 G ​-10 ​+4 ​+6 ​+12 ​+2 ​-2 ​+6
Sea Frog Collectable animal.png Animal Eryth Sea 990 G ​+2 ​+20 ​+6 ​-2 ​-4 ​-6 ​+6
Señorita Scarab Collectable bug.png Bug Prison Island 612 G ​+8 ​+4 ​-6 ​+10 ​-6 ​+4 ​-2
Shield Bug Collectable bug.png Bug Makna Forest 720 G ​+22 ​+6 ​-2 ​+8 ​-12 ​+2 ​-4
Shin Gecko Collectable animal.png Animal Tephra Cave 378 G ​+8 ​+2 ​+6 ​-2 ​+2 ​-4 ​+6
Shin Newt Collectable animal.png Animal Tephra Cave 294 G ​+4 ​+18 ​+6 ​+2 ​-10 ​-10 ​+4
Shiny Scarab Collectable bug.png Bug Mechonis Field 1,380 G ​+2 ​-2 ​+18 ​+2 ​-6 ​+10 ​-4
Sirius Anemone Collectable flower.png Flower Colony 6 864 G ​+18 ​-4 ​+8 ​+2 ​+4 ​-10 ​+14
Smoke Cylinder Collectable strange.png Strange Central Factory 2,250 G ​+6 ​-14 ​+6 ​+4 ​+10 ​+4 ​+14
Snow Transistor Collectable parts.png Parts Mechonis Field 1,380 G ​+10 ​+8 ​-6 ​+6 ​+2 ​+4 ​-4
Soft Sea Cucumber Collectable animal.png Animal Makna Forest 1,152 G ​+2 ​+10 ​+6 ​-16 ​+2 ​+24 ​+4
Sorrow Beetle Collectable bug.png Bug Colony 9 450 G ​+4 ​+2 ​-4 ​+14 ​-4 ​+14 ​+4
Sour Gooseberry Collectable fruit.png Fruit Bionis' Leg 528 G ​+2 ​-4 ​-18 ​-2 ​+24 ​+16 ​+4
Sour Grape Collectable fruit.png Fruit Valak Mountain 1,026 G ​+10 ​-10 ​-2 ​-4 ​+10 ​+2 ​+12
Sour Radish Collectable veg.png Veg Valak Mountain 1,026 G ​-4 ​+2 ​+10 ​+2 ​+2 ​+8 ​-2
Sour Turnip Collectable veg.png Veg Fallen Arm 1,320 G ​+2 ​+4 ​+4 ​+2 ​+2 ​+8 ​-2
Spicy Banana Collectable fruit.png Fruit Agniratha 1,008 G ​+4 ​-6 ​-2 ​+2 ​+4 ​+6 ​+6
Spicy Cabbage Collectable veg.png Veg Bionis' Leg 576 G ​-4 ​+24 ​+10 ​-2 ​+4 ​+8 ​-16
Spicy Nut Collectable fruit.png Fruit Frontier Village 624 G ​+8 ​-6 ​-12 ​-4 ​+18 ​+6 ​+6
Spicy Papaya Collectable fruit.png Fruit Fallen Arm 1,188 G ​-4 ​+2 ​-2 ​+2 ​+10 ​+8 ​+2
Spiral Lamp Collectable parts.png Parts High Entia Tomb 840 G ​+6 ​+2 ​-6 ​+12 ​+2 ​+2 ​+2
Spirit Clematis Collectable flower.png Flower Colony 6 486 G ​-8 ​-8 ​+6 ​+12 ​+2 ​-2 ​+16
Splish Splash Collectable strange.png Strange Galahad Fortress 1,764 G ​+4 ​+10 ​+4 ​-2 ​+6 ​+4 ​+2
Star Cute Collectable strange.png Strange Fallen Arm 2,112 G ​+4 ​+4 ​+12 ​-2 ​+2 ​+10 ​+2
Stardrop Collectable flower.png Flower Alcamoth 768 G ​-8 ​-8 ​+6 ​+12 ​+2 ​-2 ​+14
Steel Hauyne Collectable strange.png Strange Eryth Sea 1,530 G ​+18 ​-4 ​+6 ​+4 ​+2 ​-4 ​+12
Steel Silk Collectable strange.png Strange Tephra Cave 924 G ​+4 ​+4 ​+4 ​+8 ​+4 ​+2 ​+18
Strong Dandelion Collectable flower.png Flower Colony 9 210 G ​+2 ​-12 ​+6 ​+4 ​+10 ​-8 ​+12
Strong Screw Collectable parts.png Parts Prison Island 918 G ​+16 ​+2 ​+8 ​-2 ​-6 ​-6 ​+6
Summer Star Collectable strange.png Strange Fallen Arm 1,188 G ​+2 ​-4 ​+4 ​-2 ​+4 ​+10 ​+4
Sunflower Rogue Collectable flower.png Flower Satorl Marsh 660 G ​-2 ​+4 ​+2 ​+2 ​+6 ​-2 ​+10
Sweet Lime Collectable fruit.png Fruit Agniratha 1,152 G ​+2 ​-2 ​+4 ​-8 ​+12 ​+2 ​+6
Sweet Pepper Collectable veg.png Veg Mechonis Field 690 G ​-10 ​+4 ​+14 ​-10 ​+10 ​+6 ​-4
Sweet Wasabi Collectable veg.png Veg Colony 9 180 G ​-4 ​+6 ​+8 ​-10 ​+2 ​+14 ​-4
Tail Antenna Collectable parts.png Parts Galahad Fortress 1,260 G ​+10 ​+2 ​+8 ​+6 ​-2 ​-10 ​+6
Tap Tap Tap Collectable strange.png Strange Bionis' Interior 2,028 G ​+2 ​+4 ​+10 ​-2 ​-2 ​+4 ​+10
Tasty Sausage Collectable strange.png Strange High Entia Tomb 672 G ​-2 ​+2 ​+10 ​-6 ​+10 ​+4 ​-2
Thunder Atmos Collectable strange.png Strange Alcamoth 2,304 G ​+2 ​+10 ​+6 ​+6 ​+12 ​+10 ​+2
Thunder Compass Collectable parts.png Parts Other 2,160 G ​+18 ​+2 ​-4 ​+6 ​+8 ​-12 ​+6
Tropical Radish Collectable veg.png Veg Eryth Sea 630 G ​-6 ​+4 ​+14 ​-4 ​+2 ​+2 ​+2
Tweet Tweet Collectable strange.png Strange Mechonis Field 2,346 G ​-2 ​+4 ​+16 ​-2 ​+10 ​+4 ​+4
Ultramarine Ant Collectable bug.png Bug Galahad Fortress 882 G ​+8 ​+10 ​-6 ​+8 ​-12 ​+10 ​-4
Utopia Crocus Collectable flower.png Flower Mechonis Field 1,518 G ​-2 ​+2 ​+12 ​-6 ​+6 ​+4 ​+6
Venom Platypus Collectable animal.png Animal Satorl Marsh 660 G ​-4 ​+10 ​+6 ​+2 ​-2 ​-10 ​+18
Venomous Lizard Collectable animal.png Animal Makna Forest 648 G ​+2 ​-2 ​+12 ​-2 ​-2 ​-4 ​+14
Verdant Eternity Collectable strange.png Strange Colony 6 864 G ​+6 ​+10 ​-8 ​+4 ​+4 ​+12 ​+4
Walnut Grape Collectable fruit.png Fruit Bionis' Leg 336 G ​+8 ​-12 ​-2 ​-4 ​+10 ​+2 ​+12
Warning Lamp Collectable parts.png Parts Fallen Arm 1,056 G ​+4 ​+8 ​-10 ​+4 ​+6 ​-2 ​+6
Warrior Screw Collectable parts.png Parts Central Factory 1,500 G ​+12 ​+6 ​-6 ​+2 ​+2 ​-2 ​+6
Water Boatman Collectable bug.png Bug Mechonis Field 1,932 G ​+18 ​+12 ​+2 ​+8 ​-14 ​+4 ​-2
Water Log Collectable nature.png Nature Satorl Marsh 528 G ​+2 ​-2 ​+8 ​+16 ​+4 ​-6 ​-6
Wet Rat Collectable animal.png Animal Valak Mountain 1,026 G ​-4 ​+10 ​+2 ​+8 ​+2 ​-6 ​+6
Wheel Lurker Collectable bug.png Bug Galahad Fortress 882 G ​+2 ​+10 ​-6 ​+8 ​-14 ​+16 ​-2
White Beetle Collectable bug.png Bug Colony 9 210 G ​+2 ​+4 ​+6 ​+10 ​-8 ​+10 ​-10
White Cover Collectable parts.png Parts Prison Island 1,224 G ​+12 ​+6 ​+8 ​+2 ​-2 ​-4 ​+2
White Ladybird Collectable bug.png Bug Bionis' Leg 384 G ​+2 ​+4 ​+6 ​+8 ​-2 ​+10 ​-12
White Night Rod Collectable strange.png Strange Colony 6 972 G ​+6 ​+16 ​-2 ​+4 ​+6 ​+4 ​+2
White Plum Collectable fruit.png Fruit Fallen Arm 1,188 G ​+2 ​-4 ​-2 ​+2 ​+8 ​+6 ​+6
White Songbird Collectable strange.png Strange Bionis' Leg 720 G ​+4 ​+10 ​+4 ​+4 ​+6 ​+10 ​-8
White Styrene Collectable nature.png Nature Central Factory 2,100 G ​-4 ​+10 ​+2 ​+10 ​+6 ​+2 ​+2
White Tail Collectable nature.png Nature Eryth Sea 990 G ​-4 ​+10 ​+2 ​+6 ​+8 ​-2 ​+2
White Tube Collectable parts.png Parts High Entia Tomb 840 G ​+8 ​-4 ​-6 ​+8 ​+8 ​+2 ​+4
Winding Gear Collectable parts.png Parts Bionis' Leg 480 G ​+24 ​+4 ​-8 ​+6 ​+4 ​-12 ​+2
Wool Rock Collectable nature.png Nature Satorl Marsh 660 G ​-6 ​+2 ​+2 ​+14 ​+6 ​-6 ​+8
Yellow Cat Collectable animal.png Animal Ether Mine 960 G ​+2 ​+20 ​+2 ​-2 ​+8 ​-4 ​+6

Future Connected[edit]

Collectable Type Area Value
Angel Bream Collectable animal.png Animal Bionis' Shoulder 1,840 G
Blade Bird Collectable animal.png Animal Bionis' Shoulder 1,043 G
Blaze Chain Collectable parts.png Parts Bionis' Shoulder 1,245 G
Congenial Cogs Collectable parts.png Parts Bionis' Shoulder 1,478 G
Cool Lemon Collectable fruit.png Fruit Alcamoth 672 G
Cream Wheat Collectable veg.png Veg Bionis' Shoulder 1,875 G
Dubious Sculpture Collectable strange.png Strange Bionis' Shoulder 2,163 G
Gentleclam Collectable animal.png Animal Bionis' Shoulder 1,908 G
Ha Ha Ha Collectable strange.png Strange Alcamoth 1,824 G
Half Part Collectable parts.png Parts Bionis' Shoulder 1,523 G
Heart Peach Collectable fruit.png Fruit Alcamoth 1,536 G
Hero Nipper Collectable strange.png Strange Bionis' Shoulder 1,035 G
High Leaf Collectable veg.png Veg Bionis' Shoulder 1,030 G
Highlightning Collectable strange.png Strange Bionis' Shoulder 1,260 G
Kilopumpkin Collectable veg.png Veg Bionis' Shoulder 1,265 G
Mane Cat Collectable animal.png Animal Alcamoth 900 G
Morrow Cob Collectable veg.png Veg Bionis' Shoulder 1,300 G
Mystic Dahlia Collectable flower.png Flower Alcamoth 768 G
Nanoceros Collectable animal.png Animal Alcamoth 990 G
Palmtop Elephant Collectable animal.png Animal Bionis' Shoulder 1,768 G
Rainbow Carrot Collectable veg.png Veg Bionis' Shoulder 848 G
Shimmertumble Collectable strange.png Strange Bionis' Shoulder 1,568 G
Sky Mole Collectable animal.png Animal Bionis' Shoulder 738 G
Snare Wire Collectable parts.png Parts Bionis' Shoulder 1,420 G
Stardrop Collectable flower.png Flower Alcamoth 768 G
Subzero Steel Collectable parts.png Parts Bionis' Shoulder 1,258 G
Swirly Slash Collectable strange.png Strange Bionis' Shoulder 710 G
Thunder Atmos Collectable strange.png Strange Alcamoth 2,304 G
