Xenosaga Episode I
Xenosaga Episode II


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Cecily & Cathe AMY.png
Species Transgenic Realian
Gender Female
Appearances Xenosaga Episode I
Xenosaga Episode II
Xenosaga II to III: A Missing Year
Xenosaga I & II
Xenosaga: The Animation

Cecilia, nicknamed Cecily is a minor character in the Xenosaga series. She is a Realian "sister" to Febronia.

Appearance and personality[edit]

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Story arc[edit]

Episode I[edit]

While in the Encephalon, Febronia shows Shion and the others an image of her sitting by a tree with two young Realian girls whom she calls her sisters, Cecily and Cathe, running around it. Febronia claims this world is an illusion for the girls created through KOS-MOS' Encephalon construction abilities. She shows them the same landscape, but now in ruin, with her laying dead while the girls still run around. Febronia claims its a spell created by mankind to control the Zohar and asks Shion to release her sisters.

Episode II[edit]

While on the Dämmerung, Febronia appears to Shion once more, asking for her to release her sisters. When the party makes its way to Old Miltia and heads into the Zohar Isolation Area within Labyrinthos, they find Cecily and Cathe there, hooked up to the Zohar control system, but held in capsules with all of their limbs amputated. Shion and the rest of the party are horrified to find them in this state. KOS-MOS claims that they are fused with the system and have lost their individual functionality and consciousness. To remove them from the system would result in a complete shutdown. Sergius appears, claiming using them in their natural state proved difficult and it became necessary to isolate their consciousness from the outside world. Realizing that the Zohar control system may awaken U-DO, KOS-MOS declares she will destroy the system. Shion is reluctant to allow her to do so, knowing it will kill both girls, but a vision Febronia appears before her once more, asking her to set them free. Shion steps out of the way and KOS-MOS fires, destroying the system and killing them.


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Episode III


Cecilia Database Thumbnail XS3.jpg

One of the transgenic type Realians manufactured by Joachim Mizrahi.

One of the transgenic type Realians manufactured by Joachim Mizrahi. Addressed by the nickname Cecily.

Manufactured by order of Sergius XVII according to concrete data taken from Febronia that was tuned and used as the core of a system to control U-DO. Febronia refers to her as her little sister, but Realians possess neither blood relatives nor the concept of parents or siblings; strictly speaking, she is actually Febronia’s clone.

Febronia asks Shion to release their consciousness from the dual bonds of humanity and U-DO. She hopes for the release of all Realian consciousness.


Cecily Database Thumbnail XS3.jpg

Cecilia's nickname.

Nickname for Cecilia, younger sister of Febronia. A transgenic type Realian.

See Cecilia.



Cecily and Cathe Encyclopedia Thumbnail XSF.png



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Episode I[edit]

Episode II[edit]

Xenosaga I & II[edit]